Sunday, September 5, 2010

▶▪◀ Lambir Waterfall ▶▪◀

day 3, 260810 - alright after we get another car that we rent at Miri then we off to have our lunch.. the food there is nice and not bad but i forget what is the name of the restaurant.. but it is somewhere around our hotel.. come have a look on the food..

皇兄 and 妃's

yee 妃 and xin 妃's

hou and mine
and then we went Lambir Waterfall after our lunch too bad it close at 1600pm and we reach about 1700pm so we can only take picture around there but not entering there.. such tourism venue there normally close at 1600pm for safety purpose

thanks god we are not able to enter that day see what i wore and what the other wore.. we actually have to trekking a little before we reach the waterfall haha if that day we are able to enter omg then how do we reach the waterfall with these attire? i bet all of us will have some difficulties to do so
BIG spider ate by ants
at Lambir Waterfall entrance

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