270811 - have buffet lunch with mummy at shogun .. wow long time never have buffet at shogun.. well i think there are more food serve during night time.. lunch hour is fewer compare with dinner time.. anyway, i still enjoy much with the oyster and sashimi that day hehe.. after lunch then shopping at pavilion and visit tokyo street with mummy.. we continue to eat alot at tokyo street hehe will update on the coming post.. well, enjoy the picha below..
250811, thursday - out with dearest tracy.. head to pavilion to visit the tokyo street and actually nothing much there and the street is kinda short.. by the way, the street is full of japanese food hehe.. after tokyo street then off to madam kwan for lunch.. long time never dine in there and yes the nasi lemak is stil very yummylicious.. after lunch then begin our shopping weeee enjoy shops with her.. then chill at chatime then off to danny's place.. i guide tracy to the wrong house == we stop at a wrong house with a MyVi in front of the house.. Tracy: eiii that is danny's MyVi? me: i don't know Tracy: danny drive Myvi is it ? me: never see he drive MyVi before, maybe new car ??? Tracy: wonder is danny driving MyVi me: later we ask him then call danny and said: weyyy we reach already, your house number is **, right? danny: what **? me: huh? wrong house ???! what is your house number danny: see which house gate is opening
* by the way alotsa picha we took that day but all gone due to some issue =/ here left a very very super few of it
there was a day, lunch with mama at Zanmai Pasta at Mid Valley.. it was actually a mistake and gap happen between us haha.. she was askin me what to have for lunch and i keep telling her i want pasta and miss pasta and she do say so.. she talks her story and i talk my story.. in the end the gap happen~!! she is actually talking bout pasta at ALexis and me talking about Zanmai Pasta hahaha.. but in the end i win hahhaha.. thanks mummy =] well enjoy the picha below, first picha showing the drinks, then will be prawn and squid fried pasta well yummy yummy yummy weee.. next will be pizza, the pizza there super crispy super niceeeeee and lastly will be my chicken soup pasta weeeeeeeeeee
060811 - wooohooo is my Eason's Duo Concert in Malaysia weeewooweewoowee haha crazy already.. it is my 4th time for his concert weeweewee.. well it is at Merdeka Stadium.. special thanks to Rok and Yen for giving me accompany to the concert so i am not alone hehe.. well i enjoy the concert much *of course* too bad he never sing alot of K songs.. there are alot of songs that i wish to listen is not in the concert.. nevermind, it is still worth going weeeeee~~~ i am waiting for the 5th time to come hehe.. and well Eason Is The Best weee =] after the concert then went yumcha at a cafe called Black and White located at Pandan Indah.. the name of the cafe kinda lala haha.. and loomun join us there.. enjoy the picha below
160811 - the fortune buddies, perhaps i expect too much for this movie well after i watched it, i think it is still okay okay for me.. but there are some part really damn lame till i laugh out loud.. yet the ending part is kinda...... bored bored ??? because they keep on playing wresling == lame huh??? and yeahhh guess what ??? angry bird won the wresling match.. seriously lmao =p 100811 - love is the only answer. another movie that make me laugh out loud. the way they talk seriously kinda funny. and those quote. and the last part when 方力申 proposed =p
090811 - rise of the planet of apes. weeeee i enjoy this movie much. well apes aren't scary. they just want to go home. they are not aggresive, they are just being protective. they never kill anyone along their way home just that human being too cruel to them. euwwwww hate that part when i see apes been abused. Tracy and me were waiting that abuser got pay back from what he did to the apes. well happy ending =]
lunch with mama at Alexis, The Garden before shopping. date: forgotten already hahaha. and the food there nice 到爆~!!! i love the pizza and enjoy the pizza much, then will be the pasta and lastly the salmon sandwich. the salmon is damn thick wow wow wow hehe but the sandwich is kinda dry so i do not really like it.. well enjoy the picha below hehe
PD class, a class with full of fun and a class that i enjoy much.. no final examination with very super duper simple assignments and also alot of chances for us to get closer to one and another weeee.. this is a post for one of the outing for this subject.. fine dining, for us to learn how to dine in a proper manner and for us to experience fine dining.. we have our experience at Golden House Hotel, honestly the food there is expensive yet not really that nice == yes i do not like it
opps now i know we are from USCI instead of UCSI hahahaha
one of the meal, fish opps this is mine, chicken.. i think the fish is much more nicer.. mushroom chicken if i am not wrong hehe
our dessert, apple pie with vanila ice cream =] my dear cousin
with sim sim and cousin
*me* with mun yee and yee meng
leng sim sim again and before we went back, woohooo i like it this way so professional =]