hehe another crazy day wit psycho freaks... soli my psycho babies i used to call all of u baby but tat abby change the baby to freaks not my fault put all the blame on her hahaha~~~ luckily im from MASS COMM so im not a psycho freak =p
well after the public speakin class on wed, went nite market wit them and hav lots of fun along the street hehe.. thx saix for being 38 wit me~~~ lets hav our ''mini concert'' again soon~~~
im so damn concentrate durin classhope abby wont disturd me again durin class
haiz ppl wanna study
little rain + xiao hou
havin fun after classduno why psycho ppl love SS so much hehe~~~
little rain + saixooo we looks so sweet in the picture
saix is presentin on tat day promotin India
tat is why she dress up in tat way =p
abby + little rain
cai cai + LITTLE rain~~~
hohohotham + little rain
we use psycho power to force him take picture again
*clap clap*
tham + xiao hou
durin nite market moment,those psycho ppl bully me T^T
im suppose to be in tat picture
but they purposely dun wanna take me in
so bad !!!
*spot me ???*
another picture tat suppose tat im in there, beside saixsee wat they did to me
so sad~~~
tats why i change bac to study mass comm now
dun wanna major in psycho anymore
angry edi~~~dun wanna show them my cute face wakaka~~~