today~ i purposely wake up late so i dun hav to reach coll so early but den i duno y though i wake up kinda late stil i reach coll very early~ once i reach there i saw KOK SUI LIN (the 1 tat foolin me) on her way to toilet so i ask her where r we havin cs today and so she ask me to go recital hall but actuali is at audi =,= reli zhadou.. luckily on my way to d recital hall, i saw mimi den oni i noe KOK SUI LIN fool me..
now bout my beloved i start to hate u now.. today my leng lui jie jie bac to ucsi n actuali we can meet but my beloved hp duno got wat prob i tink is d battery alwaz battery low den off jor when i bac home oni i noe she called me many times... *ding dong
nex week im SURE i wil bring d charger along..nvm la pay so much fees juz went there to borrow some of d electric oni ma =p
positive psychology's turn...ooooo no~ i 4get to bring my mp3 along today (REAGAN's fault la hahaha~) and i was lik habis la hari ni but den luckily Jek bought me a box of tomato fr cameron highland n so i end up by eatin tat box of tomato haha finish d whole box =p
i tink im goin to bring sum food wit me nex week so tat i wont feel sleepy durin d class..
and guess wat, i fail my positive psycho's mid term ha~ha~ha~ expected =.=
tonite i wil be HOME ALONE again so i can do wateva i wan to...enjoy~
feel very sleepy rite now but im not goin to sleep if not tonite i wil be very suffer..bear bear bear huh~
is halloween~ so my pupe gal is wearin halloween custom ^^ so cute