Wednesday, May 25, 2011

♥ 130511 ♥

130511, friday - this smelly some one make me starve for kinda long.. watch movie and surf the internet half a day at 0707 and never supply me with food hmrp *actually he did offer mcD just that i rejected him*.. he might feel guilty so he ask me what do i wanna have for dinner.. since he ask for sure i will say kimchiharuuuu weeeeeeeeeeeee~~~!

my kimchi ramyun =] jeon platter with buchu, fish and kimchiiiiii
cheese topoki yummy~~~! but damn spicy, the original is less spicy

his pork bulgoki

yummylicious, no doubt we can finish all, thanks to him =]

then we have starbucks even we are damn full that moment =p

with MY smelly some one=]

yes he is MINE

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