Sunday, July 11, 2010

✖dllf ✖

ahem after watching the repeat match for Uruguay and Germany today morning i open my facebook with my handphone happily thought wanted to post the result out.. then i found there are 31 notification, i felt weird cause we do not have outing lately impossible spam me for pictures comment right ?so i click on my wall and this is what i found ==

seriously feel shock once i saw this.. i think and think what have i did ? i did not bao dai wok as i used to accidentally bai dai wok but i think i really didn't.. i read through the comments, the more i felt weird~~~! Abby, Mimi, Tham Pak and Xiao H
ou comment most so i decide to call Mimi and check out what happen but that 死八婆 never pick up the phone so i proceed to Tham Pak because the other 2 people will not wake up that early..
me : heyyyyyyyyy what happen why say me no brain
again ???!
Tham Pak : you go check back the inbox message
me : what happen ?? tell me fast i am using phone to on fac
ebook not convenient
Tham Pak : why you call me ? go check yourself
me : why i not call you ?! faster tell me~~~!!!! *being not
Tham Pak : now go and check the inbox message yourself then you will know~~!
*sei yeh lu really don't wanna tell me
*sei Jem ar i am not fatt pei hei now i am now fatt la
n char~~~! lol

since he ask me to check the inbox message so i went to check again with my SMALL screen phone and i saw this~!!!
大哥 said : omg protect ah mui~~~! panggil itu a
h beng balik kampung la !!!
i was like why call me ah beng and ask me back kampung~~~!? full of question mark know nothing~~~! *getting more impatient* then proceed to 大哥
and ask for more details~~~!
me: why scold meeeeee~~~~

大哥: i never scold you
me: what ah beng balik kampung~~~?! why call
me ah beng *sad*
大哥: aiyohhh that ah beng not you, you go read the message then you will know who is the ah beng * laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh till kisiao already lah youuuu~!*
me: *blur blur blur and still do not know what happen
and what makes him laugh til so 9* what happen ? why say me no brain again? i did not bao dai wok did i ? i did not even tagged HIM in the inbox message right ??? i call Mimi and she did not answer i call Tham Pak he do not want to review~~~ tell me what happen~~~!
大哥: *tell tell tell tell telling me what happen and i get it*

i thought what happen == is just a small matter.. you all scare me a lot okay ???! and i can't believe my beloved hiong ku shoot 9 me tooo~~~! so sad T^T
thanks a lot to PSYMASSLO that never shoot 9 me, baby wei , cai cai, my dear cousin, goldfish, regine, san, saix, smelly 大哥, sze wei, yong sim
xiao hou and wen yee just laugh without shoot okay i forgive you 2 lol
HIM the 当事人 know nothing so just ignore i bet if HE know HE will shoot 9 me too even more than everyone lol
mimi and abby most cruel~~~! so sad~! hmrp~!

yet there are something that laugh die me okay ? Tham Pak what so zhalandou just a small matter okay ???! dllf
and the leng lui below Tham Pak haha i censor your name to protect youuu.. what you type really make me facing my phone and laugh out loud~~!

okay i felt kinda shame already i wanna MIA at facebook for 1 week and find a hole to hide lol ==


AbigailLoi said...

i think 1 week is enough to cover ur shame-ness lo!! From: ABIGAIL TAN.

小雨 said...

cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy T^T~