Tuesday, October 19, 2010

☃ Typica ☃

ahem an emo friend ask me out for sing k in the beginning together with our CL Miamy but then due to some reasons *should has ask him why* and and and our CL Miamy went for interview so end up we did not make it to sing k but there we off to this TYPICA~~~~ wooohooo~~
everything there is special and the way they make us coffee the waitress said is type of art =)
i heard my emo friend said how they keep on adjust and adjust before they serve us *wow* + *eyes blink blink*
can you actually capture me nicely without anything that block my eyes or whatever ?i actually don't know what is this
ice or sugar ?
i wonder hahaha

and there my coffee pure into it
i am kinda addicted with the nice coffee there =)

i wanna go again

with no make up how can i not closing my eyes
mr. owl =)
our strawberry and sweet potato cheese cake
too bad they do not have layer cake that day =(
emo friend's
the moment when i ignore him then he started to talk with this flower and calling someone's name wth ==
tadaaa no more playing mysterious~ this is my emo friend that feel shy to introduce by me, no worries my baby encourage me to go out more with you so that no one gonna disturb him when he is studying at home =)
SFL~ date me at 1030am and he reach at 1200pm see you is it deserve to let people dump? just kidding !!!
don't emo so much already, not good for your health later your immune system become weak then you will die very early if you die already then no one going to scold by me, how sad.. we always support support you, never gave up on everything you do, buddy stick together (lingsiang, 2009) !!!

after that he feel hungry again *O-M-G* then we off to Wangsa Maju for this nice pan mee aka my faves hoho again *thum up* my weight increase alot that day thanks alot to SFL for satisfying my tummy so much that day


Hong Lin said...

haha...i wont appear so much let u c jor...dont so miss me..haha....u cant c me emo pun...lol..
ei ei...i talking to flower calling who name??lol....

小雨 said...

emo jorrr laaa diuuu~!

u lookin at the flower and said *** *** bu yao pa ni shi hao wa wa

Miamy, said...

I sad dy.. you guys ate nice food without me!!