harlo~~~ little rain got her bakin session again hehe.. stil remember the cookies tat i hav made for u guys durin last christmas ??? it is hard as rock and sweet like hell rite ??? hahaha~~~ tis time little rain made muffin instead of cookies.. muffin is 100x much more easier to make than cookies hehe.. and this time my baking session is very successfull.. very very yummy~~~
wanna noe how nice it is ??? well seek for commentSSS fr cemone, sandra and wei wei tat hav try hehe..
ya nvr forget to intro th baker of the day~~~
little rain + xiao hou + sherry hehehe~~~
stir it lik wat am i doin hehe
r u sure the muffin is yummy??? i doubt!!! hahaha...do we get a chance to eat the muffin?? or u alrd finish all huh??? haha...
I want eat!!!!!~~ janise~~ monday bring for me~~~~~~ hahahahahaha~~
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