Wednesday, December 2, 2009

happy birthday to laikuen ❤

29 Nov 2009, Sunday
hohoho is laikuen aka MY mimi's 19th birthday.. so cemone, jeffrey, little rain and xiao hou went to Millennium Square at Petaling Jaya to celebrate with her.. kinda lotsa funny thing happen that nite hehe another memorable nite~! *remember the map, hehehe~*
having lotsa fun that nite hehe missing everyone of them so so much that is why we hate holidays so much cause we have to miss everyone till our lungs out haha~!
little rain and mimi stil laughing out loud when we look at the previous video we took at Penang hehe~ *fun*

little rain's
little rain's

little rain with the birthday girl, mimi

love this picture alot !!!look at my face hoho~slim~!!!

the girls ❤

❤ group picture ❤


picture that mimi requesti do know why i cant upload into facebook ==

i will try again tomorro


Miamy, said...

haha, the pic of me and u taken wirh ur cam really damn ugly wei! but then the date sure over 12am d so it's 30th LOL!

小雨 said...

but den we reach there tat time is around 2330pm so still ur bday la my dear hehe