Saturday, December 5, 2009

papa's DSRL D5000 day

30 Nov 09, Monday

hohoho is papa's DSLR D5000 day.. papa get his DSRL today and he feel so so soooooo happy with it! can see clearly from his reaction haha~!
by the way, who is papa ??? haha~! is Jeffrey !!! i have upgrade his status from 大哥 to papa now =p
well well lets get back to the topic, that night we ( cemone & friends, Jeffrey, little rain, mimi, wen yee, xiao hou ) have dinner together at Hyung *correct me if i am wrong* at Gardens after dinner we went to Boulevard for photo shooting since papa had get his DSLR

papa & wen yee's
xiao hou's
little rain's
side dishes
wen yee
papa + xiao hou
after dinner, we let papa practice his capture skill and sastify himself with his new toy
then i take this chance to practice my skill as well
we take alot of pictures ?
bear with our pictures
cos we are not local ^^
we are tourist
all of us are tourist from Sabak Bernam wakaka
later papa said i 傻婆 again ==
little rain
little monkey
papa with his 3 penguinSSS
thank you for not sleeping here
before off to Boulevard
at Boulevard
and have fun there~!
we love the scenery there

photo shooting start~!

*the end*
i have got more to post as my modem is not running well recently and i have got lotsa post that have not been update so people do stay tune ya ^^

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