after psycho class went to hav lunch wit natalie and jeremy.. he is such a devil for forcin me and natalie to eat eat eat and eat~ omg im gettin more and more fat !!! reli no eyes see
tis is wat we presenting today
D.I.Y. decorative hanger wit variety of uses
teachin ppl on how to make tat decorative hanger
she said looks lik funeral =.="
btw, all of us laugh at tis picture bcos of xiao hou's hair haha
wit the hanger tat made by xiao hou
honestly im NOT creative at all
so i juz responsible on presentin
while all those steps on how to make tis thingy is resposible by xiao hou~
不好意思, 本人今天穿的不够 formal =p
erm hu is tis?
let me intro him to u ^^
he is actually our sherry's idol
sherry is so so so in love wit him
对对对~ 我又偷偷拍人家的照片了
算了啦, 习惯就好
lets foolin around for a while ^^
abby's hand + saix + xiao hou
yeah i caught xiao hou's head