Saturday, January 23, 2010


went to Green Box at Jusco, Balakong to 唱K with brother and Natalie after class on 21 Jan 2010, Thursday..
yea you are so right i am actually being light bulb on that day hehe~!
things that happen before i went out with brother and Natalie
went to have lunch with Ee, Min and San
once we step out from UCSI...
this is what we saw
do not know which idiot go bang on min min's car and make it become like this
poor min min T^T
this 2 fellow so damn funny
see how they sang 屋顶
each sitting at 1 corner
alright i am obviously being lighbulb again cause i am sitting in the middle of them
singing seriously~!
little rain + Natalie
teaching her things that i used to do with MC
pose from 1 to 10
this is shoot 3
2 + 2 = 4
shoot 4
haha this is what we did when brother is singing
we did not even pay attention and keep on SS~!

shoot 5
haha sorry we act innocent~!
shoot 6
again i did not upload all the 1 to 10 pose
because i have filter some that i am not satisfy with =p
shoot 7
shooting at brother that singing 坏人
the naughty me~ ^^Y
hehe playing game and lose in the first round

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